Monday, August 11, 2008

Let Us Now Praise Famous Bloggers

Like for instance: Michael Spencer at Jesus Shaped Spirituality has posted a list of characteristics of what he calls a Jesus Shaped Church. Here are a few:
Jesus Shaped Church…
is simple.
skips the mortgage.
gives lots of money to good, responsible ministries that help people.
starts churches.
is centered around the Lord’s Table each time it gathers.
teaches the New Covenant from the Bible.
preaches the Kingdom of God.
sees the Kingdom.
turns over tables.
Michael is as usual very sharp. Lots of good talking points for a small-group here.

And also: Jared Wilson on the the gospel as personal entitlement. I simply want to say in response, "Amen to that, brother."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

praise who??? you say?