Saturday, January 09, 2010

Saturday Book Notes

I know I've come across Darrell W. Johnson's name from time to time, but it was this video that made me sit up and take notice:

So anyway, I looked up some of his books and was really taken by Discipleship on the Edge. It is a collection of thirty expository sermons on the Book of Revelation, and it is like no other book on that subject I've ever heard about.

I'm going to read this book very slowly and carefully over the next few months, sharing passages here from time to time. There's a very nice 9-page summary of the book here (pdf). For my first quote, the following comes from very early in the preface, as Johnson summarized why it it that if he could choose only one book of the Bible to read for the rest of his life, it would be the Revelation.
[I]n no other book of the Bible do we see Jesus as clearly and compellingly as we do in the last book. That is quite a statement coming from someone who has spent all of his adult life soaking in the Gospel of John! Yet I am convinced that no other book helps us see Jesus as he is right now as clearly and compellingly as the last book John wrote. No other book helps us see Jesus relative to the movement of history the way the last book does. No other book helps us see Jesus relative to "the powers" at work in our time the way the last book does. No other book helps us see him in a way that overcomes our fear and frees us for radical faith.
"You know you're reading the Revelation rightly if in the end you find yourself at the feet of Jesus Christ."

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