Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tuesday Trey

1. Joe Thorn on Rebooting Your Prayer Life. [I need to do that.]

2. Jared Wilson on the weird modern desire for legalism. Here are two snips:
  • "And people love this stuff [self-help Christianity]. They want to be told religion is not about rules and regulations while at the same time being told each week which four steps (with helpful alliteration) they need to do in order to achieve maximum what-have-you. They want to be reassured that works don't merit salvation while at the same time convinced salvation is about trying really hard to do things that unlock the power or secret of God's such-and-such."
  • "If we cannot be inspired and challenged and called to action simply by hearing Christ crucified and resurrected, the evangelical problem is even more dire than originally thought."
And yet Jared is essentially optimistic, which you'll see if you read the whole post.

3. Finally, the proper way to fall asleep in church, seen at Micahfries.com. Now that's useful advice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have just been tagged!
by me.
