Friday, April 15, 2011

Ereading Update

Well, I bought myself a Nook. It arrived this week and I've spent a couple of days just kind of getting friendly with it.

The device came with Bram Stoker's Dracula and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women already loaded. I downloaded a couple of free Bible translations to start with, bought a 99 cent book from Barnes and Noble (just for practice)... Consider Phlebas, by Iaian Banks. I also downloaded the first ebook that caught my eye from my local library website, that being Michael Korda's Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia, which should be an interesting story.

Bottom line, I'm loving this little doohickey.


Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

On a recent flight I noticed more and more of those little doohickeys. I guess it's easier than hauling your personal library in your carry-on.

Anonymous said...

we bought a kindle for the youngest daughter. both daughters are readers, but, the eldest still prefers books. the thing is, the younger one uses the kindle but also likes paper bound books. lately though, i have had cj download a couple of books on it for me to read.
i like the doohicky.