Saturday, April 03, 2010

Bookish Saturday

I haven't been posting any inspiring Holy Week ruminations this year, but Trevin Wax at Kingdom People has been leading the blogging pack on that score. His 5-part series is called, The Beauty of the Blood-stained Cross. Trevin's book, Subversive Christianity, looks good.


The Gospel Coalition now has a book review site: TGC Reviews. I'm pretty jazzed about this.


Books and Culture features a review of recent baseball lit. I like baseball lit better than baseball itself (at least the pro game).


Speaking of baseball lit, I'm reading the autobiographical essays of The New Yorker's great baseball writer (and perhaps the greatest ever), Roger Angell. Angell is 90, and was the step-son of E. B. White. His book is called, Let Me Finish. His reminiscence of the 20s and 30s are wonderful short-story-ish gems.


This isn't a bookish item, but it's sweet. Have a blessed Easter.

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