Saturday, September 06, 2008

I'm being followed!

Hey man, I just found out I have a "follower." Who woulda thunk? I guess it's some new blogger gadget thingie. I just stuck it on my sidebar. It seems kinda neat. Anyway, as you will see, my "follower" is Barry Simmons, who blogs at The Journeyman's Files. Bary describes himself as an "amateur theologian & Bible student, church elder, thinker, reader and observer of culture, church and society - and Sci-Fi Geek!"

Hmm, seems like a kindred spirit ('cept he wears ties!). Barry, thanks for noticing. And being my follower! Now I just have to figure out how to become a follower of yours. Hey, if we follow one another does that mean we'll just walk in circles?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The tie picture is 5 years old - don't ear them much any more. Have enjoyed your blog, your insights and links to other good sites. God bless!