Wednesday, September 17, 2008

4 things

1. In case you haven't noticed, I now have 3 followers! I believe I've got myself a movement! Thanks to Crackerberries, Cruv, and of course my original follower, Journeyman. Now, any of you guys feel like storming the Bastille or something?

2. My son Nate, over at The Jesus Paradigm, blogs in sudden and passionate flurries. After a couple of weeks of blogging silence, today he got busy. He's planning to blog his way through the Gospels, apparently. Check back for more of that. In the meantime, he serves up a couple of striking quotations today, one of which is this:
One cannot be a missionary church and continue insisting that the world must come to the church on the church's terms. it must become a "go" structure. And it can do that only when its concerns are directed outside itself toward the poor, the abused and the oppressed. The church must recapture its identity as the only organization in the world that exists for the sake of its nonmembers.

3. Along those lines, check out Jared's latest Searchwarp article, Five Missional Practices You Can Do Now. Good stuff.

4. I've been reading Timothy Keller's The Reason for God. I guess it should come as no surprise that I'm enjoying the book immensely. For now, I'll leave with a quotation from Dostoyevsky, cited by Keller on p. 33:
I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world’s finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, of the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, of all the blood that they’ve shed; and it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify what has happened.

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