Sunday, August 03, 2008

Itching Ears Report

This quote from Lee Grady, editor of Charisma, is in the That's-What-I'm-Talkin-About category:
A prophet stays biblical. So much of what is passed off as prophecy today resembles what you might find in a daily horoscope. The so-called “prophetic movement” in the contemporary church has been tainted by silly fads and charismatic witchcraft. One prophetic e-mail list sent out a word recently saying that dormant angels were being awakened out of the walls of our churches. (That’s not remotely scriptural.) Another predicted that God would begin to speak to people through the names of candy bars and blue jeans.

So much of our prophetic verbiage sounds like warm and fuzzy fortunetelling. This type of “imitation prophecy” can titillate and thrill those with itching ears, but it is pablum designed for babies who don’t want to grow up. What we need is a word we can sink our teeth into—true meat that is the Word of God.
Well, somebody had to say it.

Which reminds me of a recent "prophecy" I was told about. It seems there's going to be this major "wealth transfer" from unbelievers to believers, which will be a sign of the end times. A prominent tele-Christian is even hawking a new DVD set that will explain "how to take advantage of the coming wealth transfer."

This kind of things is why John's Revelation is in the Bible. Charismatics really ought to try reading it one of these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God's Love to you, brother.