Monday, July 14, 2008

Nate's Blogging Again!

Had a nice long talk with my son Nate over the weekend. Some of what he expressed to me will probably form the jumping-off place for a blogpost or two later this week, but for now, the good news is that he's blogging again. His blog, which had been dormant for some time, was called Into the Desert, but he's taking things in a different direction now. New title: The Jesus Paradigm. Nate explains the new title here, where his starting point is the instructions of Jesus to his disciples at Matthew 10:5-15 (with some riffing on remarks by Michael Spencer as well). And here's the content from another post, where Nate riffs on the same theme:
If Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and I believed it, would it be possible for me to proceed upon ambitions and desires that were more important to me than the ushering-in of that Kingdom?

If God loved me so much that he sent his only son to die for me, and I believed it, would it be possible for me to live in fear of God's or man's opinions about me?

If Jesus rose from the dead and showed his followers that death has no hold on him, and I believed it, would it be possible for me to be afraid of dying, or of suffering, to manipulate my life so as to delay the one and minimize the other?
Nate, like all bloggers, would really like some feedback on all this, so go on over there and shout in his face if you like. He won't mind.

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