Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Preaching that Refreshes

Imagine two companions who have been trekking through the desert all day. Their water is long-gone, but they know that up ahead somewhere is an oasis of water and shade. That knowledge keeps them going. But the question is, can they get to it before their strength gives out?

Now imagine that after this long ordeal they have indeed reached their oasis. They have splashed in the water and drank their fill. Now they're lying down in in the shade of the swaying palms, finally refreshed, and they look at one another, and they simply begin to laugh. It's a gut-reaction, a kind of body-joy welling up from deep down; unstoppable, joyous laughter.

On Sunday night Laurie and I listened to (and watched) a message from Jack Hayford. Hayford is one of my heroes, a great preacher in my opinion. This particular sermon was one in a series leading up to Easter. Hayford took us through the story of the raising of Lazarus, all the while keeping in view the events that were already looming on the horizon, Calvary on Friday, and on Sunday morning an empty tomb.

It was a wonderful sermon. Jack's presentation was full of wise and patient application, but mostly it was simply refreshing. Truly, deeply refreshing. Like water to a thirsty soul. When it was over, Laurie and I looked at one another, and we began to laugh.

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