Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The meaning, motive and power for Christian life

Graeme Goldsworthy's The Gospel in Revelation is one of those books that is so packed with Biblical wisdom, one feels the need to read certain passages aloud to whomever happens to be sitting near. The book was originally published back in 1984. At that time Goldsworthy had looked around the world of Evangelical religion and found a striking decline in the preaching and teaching of the Gospel. For example, he writes:
It is regrettably true that much Christian literature and preaching has lost the essential ingredient of a sound method of interpretation. It has allowed the Gospel to be demoted into something less than the preeminent and central characteristic which interprets the whole meaning of the Bible.
Or how about this one:
All problems, heresies and deviations from the true course of Christian living which occupy the writers of the New Testament Epistles derive from the same basic problem: a failure to bring the gospel to bear on this or that aspect of life. Consequently there is only one remedy that can ever be prescribed and that is the gospel. This assertion may surprise many, for Christian living or the general subject of sanctification (holiness) is so frequently dealt with in Christian teaching and preaching as if the gospel were only the means of beginning the Christian life, and not also the means of continuing it. The New Testament, however, teaches that it is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which constitute the meaning, motive and power for Christian life.


Anonymous said...

" Christian life, and not also the means of continuing it. The New Testament, however, teaches that is is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which constitute the meaning, motive and power for Christian life."

Is that what Jesus taught? or did he have a different path to salvation than by grace alone?

Matt. 13: 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all LAW-BREAKERS,

Anonymous said...
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