Monday, January 28, 2008

On "changing the believer's orbit"

Craig Brian Larsen has a great article on Preaching that Promotes Self-Centeredness.
Our greatest challenge in training motives is to change the believer's orbit. Under the full control of their sinful nature, people are self-centered. They have the planetary mass of Jupiter, with God and other people orbiting around them like tiny moons. When people turn to Christ in faith, God begins the revolutionary process of transforming them to be other-centered and God-centered. They begin to see themselves in proper relation to the value of others and the greatness of God. Increasingly they orbit the massive, glorious sun of God's will.
BTW, I found this one through the always valuable Transforming Sermons.

1 comment:

Milton Stanley said...

Glad you found something useful at TS, bro. Peace.