Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jared Wilson's New "Solo" Blog

I've been blogrolling Jared Wilson pretty much since the beginning of my own blogging adventures (either his personal blogs or his gang over at the Thinklings), mainly because he seemed like a kindred spirit to me. In fact, if I lived in Nashville, where Jared lives, I'd probably seek him out and try really hard to be his pal. Jared had drifted (but definitely not aimlessly) from blog to blog much as I have, and his new blog reflects a refining of his spiritual perspective that (as usual with Jared's work) I feel like I can relate to. The new place is called The Gospel-Driven Church and I promise it will engage and stimulate. Here's the sub-head:
Cross-Centered, Grace-Laden, Christ-Focused, Gospel-Driven: Towards reform of the discipleship culture of the American Church
I read that and felt as if Jared had described succinctly the very bush I've been beating around for some time. Really, Jared is a thoughtful man who cares deeply about the state of the Church, and he writes with intensity and insight. I'm really thrilled that's he's blogging solo again.

1 comment:

Jared said...

Bob, I am really honored and blessed to receive this mention.
You've been one of my favorite bloggers since the Mr. Standfast days.

I would love it if someone was able to read Gospel-Driven Church with the same joyful relish that I read In the Clearing, Mark Lauterbach's GospelDrivenLife, and Milton Stanley's Transforming Sermons. You guys take the cake.