Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Laurie's Bible

This is Laurie. She's my honey.

This is Laurie's special Bible. As you can see, it's held together by duct tape. I'd say about half the text is underlined. If she got a new Bible she'd have to start underlining again from scratch. Thus, the duct tape.

This is the title page of Laurie's Bible. As you can see, it's the Revised Standard Version, which is no longer published. That's another reason for the duct tape. Laurie can't get a new Bible, because they don't make the RSV anymore. Laurie loves the RSV.

Finally, I want to show you the back of Laurie's Bible. Laurie, as you can see, is very good with duct tape. She's made a duct tape pocket in the back of her Bible, in which she keeps notes to herself, prayer requests, and a childhood picture of yours truly. Isn't that sweet?

Laurie, btw, granted me her permission to show you this.


Anonymous said...

laurie...you are beautiful.
as for the bible...there is nothing better than a well read and loved bible.
however, if you are looking for another you can check at www.powells.com for used ones, it looks like they might have a couple.

Kathi said...

I have a pocket-book sized, snap-closure NKJV Bible. It was leather bound. Now it's duct-tape bound. The leather started to crinkle after it got run over by a car (it had been knocked out onto the ground, in the process of getting in the car)

It's been to the jungles of Panama, been peed on by a baby, been pooped on by a seagull, run over by a car, flopped on (open) by numerous cats and dogs, and it still keeps on ticking. I probably added a pound of weight in ink, because I take short sermon notes, underline, hilight, and scribble scripture references in the margins.

I didn't just do a strip to hold it together, though - I used black duct tape (it's available in nearly any color!) and covered the whole thing. It's not quite as supple as leather, nor is it as pretty, but it's unique enough that people ask about it all the time (espeicially if I'm "out" somewhere and reading!)

I bought myself a new Bible. Even bought one just like the first. Started carrying it everywhere. It didn't feel the same (it was lighter, for one) and all the notes, hilights, references were missing.

So I added more duct tape. :)

Praise the Lord for well-read Bibles!

Bob Spencer said...

Thanks for the info, both of you. But it will take a lot to convince Laurie to get a new Bible. I mean, not as long as there's duct tape around. Kathi, I relayed to her your duct-taping method, and she liked the idea quite a lot. Thanks for dropping by and thanks for commenting!