Thursday, April 05, 2007

April Snow Storms, Ukes, and My Blogging Sons

So here I am home from work on a Thursday because of a bizaare April snowstorm. The debris of snapped branches scattered about my yard, on my porch roof, and tangled in the telephone wire. Oh, the joy of Springtime in New England!

But it's okay, because I think I'll lay around the shanty and practice my uke. Thanks to Howlin' Hobbit for his encouraging comment in response to my ukelele post. He blogs over at Ukulele and All that Jazz. He does "solo uke busking" (a phrase I never anticipated using until this morning). He also has a very helpful website for beginning uke-sters like me.


"We speak of Love as though it is the whirlwind we are itching to be taken to Oz by." That's a quote from Leopold over at Water for Words. Ummm, he's also my boy, and he rocks. Leopold (no, that's not his real name) has some essential things to say about the L-word. I mean that. Essential. The post is here.

That other blogging offspring of mine, the Blogger In the Desert, has been discussing art in recent post. He says that art is a representation of the inward. That's all. Then he asks this beguiling question:
So what do I do with art and music that is lascivious, offensive, harmful, degrading, immoral, pagan, Nazi, neo-liberal, Republican, gay, absurd, unreedemable, establishmentist, sophomoric, novice, cold, libertine, abstract, idealistic?
Go here for further investigation.

Anyway, both these guys are thinking deeply and even "holistically" about their subjects. And I'm darn proud of them!

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